View Glossary Entry

Technical Definition

Specifies the printed title for a section; distinct from an article headline or title.

Category Notes

This field appears in the Trove API (TRAP), SBME and SBMA only. The content is elsewhere usually included as an article’s text or headline.

Individual Collection Notes

TRAP: The newspaper or periodical section this article appeared in. In the Trove web interface, this is shown on the page view. A section is part of an issue.


SBME mets:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:relatedItem\mods:relatedItem\mods:titleInfo\mods:partName STR Wirtschaftsausgabe
SBMA mets:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:titleInfo\mods:partName STR Wirtschaftsausgabe
TRAP article\section STR 1, Special Home Feature