View Glossary Entry

Technical Definition

Specifies the language of the textual unit, often, but not always, using the ISO language code. This can refer to the language of the newspaper, the article text, or the specific block of text.

Category Notes

This field appears in all databases. Dublin Core language URI: languageTerm URI (MODS), including xml:lang sub-element: In ALTO, the language should be recorded at the highest level possible.

Individual Collection Notes

B1GI: issue\dcLanguage specifies the language of the issue (given in abbreviated form), issue\metadataInfo\language specifies the language of the newspaper title, issue\metadataInfo\language@ocr specifies the OCR language of the newspaper, and issue\page\article\ocrLanguage specifies the OCR language of the article.

B1GP: The field refers to the language of the alternate title for this newspaper.

B2GL: Specifies the language of the issue (given in abbreviated form)

B2GI: issue\metadataInfo\language specifies the language of the newspaper title, issue\metadataInfo\language@ocr specifies the OCR language of the newspaper, issue\page\article\ocrLanguage specifies the OCR language of the article.

B2GP: The field refers to the language of the alternate title for this newspaper.

CAAL: Declares the language of the textblock. On a practical level, this declaration applies to the contents of the @content attribute on the <STRING> element.

DEMP: Provides a UID for the language.

METS:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods\language\languageTerm refers to the language of the printed version. All instantiations of @xml:lang provide an ISO code for the language.

F1ME: Fields give an ISO code for the language.

HNDM: Language of the country of publication. See collection “catLanguage” to see options. Idioma del país de la Publicación. Ver colección “catIdioma” para conocer las opciones.

PPME: Fields give an ISO code for the language.

TDAG: issue\metadatainfo\language provides the language for the issue, issue\metadatainfo\language@ocr specifies the OCR language for the issue, and issue\page\article\ocrLanguage provides the OCR language for the article.

TRME: Fields give an ISO code for the language.


Language of the Text Block

CAAL alto\Layout\Page\PrintSpace\TextBlock@language UID en

Language of the Article

EUME METS:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap[@LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of article”]\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:titleInfo@xml:lang UID de
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of article”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of article”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID en
TDAG issue\page\article\ocrLanguage STR English

Language of the Section

PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of section”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID en

Language of the Page

F2AL pageOCRDATA\metadata\language STR fin
HNDM $.publication.pagina.idioma MCH Español

Language of the Issue

B1GL issue\dcLanguage STR eng
B1GI issue\metadataInfo\language STR English
B1GI issue\metadataInfo\language@ocr STR English
B1GI issue\page\article\ocrLanguage STR English
B2GL issue\dcLanguage STR eng
B2GI issue\metadataInfo\language STR English
B2GI issue\metadataInfo\language@ocr STR English
B2GI issue\page\article\ocrLanguage STR English
DEMP didl:DIDL\didl:Item\didl:Component\didl:Resource\srw_dc:dcx\dc:language@ xsi:type STR dcterms:ISO639-1
EUME METS:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap[@LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the issue”]\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:titleInfo@xml:lang UID de
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the printed version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the printed version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the electronic version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\titleInfo@xml:lang UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the electronic version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of Issue”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID sv
HNME METS:mets\METS:dmdSec\METS:mdWrap\METS:xmlData\DC:language STR SPANISH
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of Issue”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of Issue”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the printed version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the printed version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the electronic version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID en
PPME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of the electronic version”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID en
SBME mets:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:language\mods:languageTerm UID ger
SBMA mets:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:language\mods:languageTerm UID ger
TDAG issue\metadatainfo\language STR English
TDAG issue\metadatainfo\language@ocr STR English

Language of the Publication as a Whole

B1GP PubInfo\VariantTitles\language STR English
B2GP PubInfo\VariantTitles\Language STR English
DEMP didl:DIDL\didl:Item\didl:Component\didl:Resource\srw_dc:dcx\dc:language UID n1
EUME METS:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods\language\languageTerm STR German
EUME METS:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap[@LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of table”]\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:titleInfo@xml:lang UID de
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of Issue”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of list”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:titleInfo@xml:lang UID sv
F1ME mets\dmdSec\mdWrap[LABEL=“Bibliographic meta-data of list”]\xmlData\MODS:mods\MODS:language\MODS:languageTerm UID fi
HNDM $.publication.idioma MCH Español
TRME mets:mets\mets:dmdSec\mets:mdWrap\mets:xmlData\mods:mods\mods:language\mods:languageTerm UID en