View Glossary Entry

Technical Definition

Provides information about any illustrations, including whether one is present, its type, and its colour information.

Category Notes

These fields are relatively uncommon.

Individual Collection Notes

B1GI: Colour information multiple choice options are: bitonal, grayscale or colour. Multiple choice options for type: “Cartoon”, “Chart”, “Coat_of_Arms”, “Diagram”, “Drawing”, “Engraving”, “Genealogical_table,” “Graph”, “Map”, “Musical_work”, “Painting”, “Photograph”, “Plan”, “Portrait”, “Seal”, “Table”, “Image”.


Indicating presence of illustration

B1GL issue\article\il@indicator BOO no
TRAP article\illustrated BOO y

Illustration type

B1GI issue\page\article\il@type MCH image
TRAL alto\Layout\Page\PrintSpace\ComposedBlock\ComposedBlock\Illustration@TYPE MCH  

Colour information

B1GI issue\page\article\il@colorimage MCH bitonal

Illustration ID

SBAT PcGts\Page\GraphicRegion@ id UID r25