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In literary studies, the text has a more abstract meaning somewhat removed from the physical conditions of publishing: the same text can be serialised, published in book form, and made available online. In periodical studies, article text is not always referred to as such: articles can be referred to as items, pieces, text, columns, and so on. In the collections, text can be broken down by word, string, article or page. 


“My first task was to tabulate the number of emotions expressed and observed in each serial installment of The Woman in White in order to reveal the emotional fluctuations occurring throughout the text’s serialization…” [Beekman, 11]

“The article’s tone, especially in its opening passages, is not unlike that of many early-to-mid-century newspaper articles that detail accidental deaths, for its text lingers not only on the deep sadness of the event (its melancholic, lamentable, mournful, grief-filled, and awful qualities) but also on its potential to teach readers a lesson.” [Fieldberg, 14]

“In the absence of anything like a working text, or even a rudimentary bibliography, it is essential to return to the original pages of the paper.” [Garside, 505]

“The ActivePaper Archive, created by Olive Software, used an image processing technique called ‘segmentation,’ which breaks each page of newspaper text down into its smaller information units (articles, pictures, advertisements).” [Edmund King, 175]

“For example, some were interested in researching past crimes, or others interested in public transport history would undertake very heavy text correcting in stories that involved these topics” [Alam, 2012]

“Currently there are mainly two ways how digitised newspapers are treated: Either newspapers are scanned, ordered on issue level and enriched with full-text on page level. Or the structuring is done on ‘article level’ which means that all articles are separated and structured.” [Europeana Newspapers 2015, 11] 

“Consider the following newspaper items dating from the eight years between the summer of 1853 and the summer of 1861.” [Branch, 576]

“Though these items are probably the source of the references in the novel…” [Rosengarten, 593]

“In March 1819, the Alexandria Herald published the following anonymous piece…” [Gelmi, 151]

“Between 1851 and 1861 he contributed several dozen pieces of varying kinds to newspapers.” [Branch, 583]